Q. May I post your DIY, craft project, or photos on my blog?
A. Yes, but let’s start this new mutual relationship off on the right foot by adhering to the following guidelines:
You may post up to 2 photos of a DIY project, craft project, recipe, or other decor inspiration post with links to my original blog post. You also have permission to pin any of my photos on Pinterest.
Please DO NOT post the content of any post on this blog in its entirety without express written permission from me. All of the content on this website is protected by federal copyright laws and I don’t want to have to put an end to our newfound friendship. I hate break-ups!
If you represent a print publication and you would like to use a high-resolution image or have other questions about using any of my photos, please contact me.

Q. Who does the photography for your site?
A. Unless credited otherwise, I do! I’m a professional photographer that specializes in fine art portraiture (pets and people). I’m also a graphic & web designer which comes in very handy in so many ways!

Q. What photography equipment do you use?
A. I’m a big Nikon fan and I currently use a Nikon D500 DSLR camera. I mainly use 3 of my favorite Nikkor prime lenses: AF-S DX NIKKOR 35mm f/1.8G, AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8G, and AF-S NIKKOR 85mm f/1.8G.
I also use this tripod from Neweer. A tripod is very important for interior photography. And finally, I use Case Air’s wireless tethering system which has been quite an incredible tool.
I use Photoshop CS6 and CC, and On1 software to edit my photos.

Q. I would like to collaborate with you on a project. How do I start that process?
A. Sweet! I LOVE collaborating with others – the combination of multiple creative forces working together can produce such stunning results!
To get the ball rolling, just contact me and let me know what kind of project you’d like to collaborate on and I promise to get back to you right away.
Please let me know if you prefer an email response or a personal phone call (hey – it’s totally ok to be old school!).

Q. I represent a print/online publication and we’re interested in featuring your home in an upcoming article. What’s the best way to get in touch?
A. Excuse me for a moment while I do my happy dance … Ok. I’m back. ?
The best way to get in initial contact with me is through my Contact Me page – I respond within 24 hours.
You’re also welcome to send me an email at [email protected].
I look forward to speaking with you!